
Building a generous and sustainable brand universe for an independent chocolate company form the heart of Bavaria

Cities For Children

In 2023, I visited Islamabad with my brother Abdullah. 

It was my first time in Pakistan. For Abdullah, the first time in ten years. 

We spent three weeks with his younger brother Nawaz, travelling from Peshawar, the capital of the Pashtun, to Islamabad and back via the Karakoram Mountains and Kalam. Along the way, we met many of Abdullah's family members and childhood friends. It seemed like years had passed, yet no time at all. It was like coming home to a family I didn't know I had. 

Whilst in Islamabad, we had the opportunity to visit the work of Cities For Children, founded by Madeeha Ansari, which protects vulnerable children's "right to childhood" - the right to read and play in safety. 

Below, you can see CFC's signature 'Partners in Learning' programme (Seekho Sikhao Saathi) in situ at a Pehli Kiran School in one of the urban slums of Islamabad.

The programme is based on a child-to-child model infused with playful learning, which supports older children from mobile communities to become learning champions for younger children.



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Branding, CampaignKevin Kremer